Blue and Green Roofing: Are These 2 Environmentally-Friendly Options the Wave of the Future?

Blue and Green RoofingBlue and green roofing and both provide numerous benefits that are helping them gain ground on traditional asphalt and other roofing types. As more property developers opt for these eco-friendly roofs, the benefits become increasingly clear, encouraging even greater investment.

Sustainable Roofing Makes Sense

Environmentally-friendly roofing options can improve sustainability and increase property value in ways traditional roofing can’t, including:

  • Easing management of storm water runoff
  • Reducing the urban heat island effect and lowering cooling expenses
  • Acting as noise insulation
  • Lengthening the roof’s lifespan
  • Providing habitat for wildlife
  • Increasing aesthetic appeal

Support Is Growing

Germany began making great strides in green roofing in the 1970s, and today, investment in these roofs is still growing at around 10 to 15 percent. The success of these roofs drew interest from other countries, including Japan and the U.K.

Green roofing and blue roofing have been gaining serious attention in the U.S., as well. A pilot project run by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection between 2010 and 2012 found “green infrastructure” roofing provides effective storm water management. Projects like these encourage further public policy support for green and blue roofs, such as grant programs and other incentives.

Room for Expansion

With so much evidence in favor of sustainable roofing, it’s no surprise the market is expanding. Steven Peck, founder of Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, notes that the U.S. green roof market grew 30 percent in 2010. Major cities such as New York and Chicago are where much of the increase is happening. Peck suggests that in many cities, green roofing is feasible for some 30 percent of rooftop space.

Although blue roofing systems aren’t quite as popular yet, it’s increasingly common to find them incorporated into green roofs. One example is a project by the Osborne Association to develop a combined green and blue roof at their headquarters. The roof was responsible for a 32 percent reduction in storm water flowing into the East River.

For more on how green roofing and blue roofing are transforming the way the construction industry thinks about roofing, connect with us at Construction Monitor.

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