Because a construction project is no small undertaking, you can bet your would-be clients are checking out the reviews online before they even contact a construction firm. With a proactive online reputation management strategy, you can make sure your reviews work for you, not against you.
Asset or Liability: the Decision is Yours
The countless opportunities to share opinions online mean your reputation is no longer limited to word of mouth circulating in your local area. Online, anyone can say anything about you and, with a quick search, your prospective clients can find those comments. Your online reputation will develop whether you take an active role in it or not. Your approach to online reputation management is what determines how much you benefit.
Take charge of your reviews by encouraging your best clients to share their opinions and your online profiles will be filled with positive comments that outshine any less favorable ones. You’ll have no trouble making that critical good first impression on anyone searching for you online.
Keep Up With the Conversation
If you’re monitoring your reviews, you’ll have the opportunity to thank your clients who leave good reviews and offer them further services or request referrals when they’re in a buying mood. You can also ask permission to re-reprint their reviews, so you can leverage their praise in your marketing.
When a frustrated client shows up and you respond promptly, there’s a chance you can make amends and turn them into a happy, loyal patron. Even if that client ends up leaving, your response will remain online to show future prospects how seriously you take customer service and how respectfully you handle conflict.
Ignore what’s being said about you online, though, and you’ll miss valuable opportunities while leaving both your current and prospective clients with the impression you don’t particularly care what they think.
By encouraging your satisfied clients to speak up and paying attention to your reviews, you can build an online reputation that works solidly in your favor.