When you’ve got all the business you can handle, it seems reasonable to cut down on marketing to keep your schedule sane. Do that, though, and you’re liable to fall into a cycle of feast or famine. By working on long-term marketing instead, you’ll always have a construction project in the pipeline.
Build Your Email List
When a prospect joins your email list in the early planning phase of their construction project, you’ll have months to demonstrate your expertise and build rapport. By the time they’re ready to hire a construction company, you’ll be far ahead of anyone they come across later through a casual online search. Start connecting with prospects early by contacting landowners who’ve recently applied for a building permit. Get in touch and offer a free guide, white paper or other lead magnet as an incentive to join your email list. The insight you gain from their building permit will help you choose a lead magnet they’ll be motivated to sign up for.
Stay Up on the Trends
Just because you have a good thing going now, that doesn’t mean it will last forever. By staying on top of declining and emerging trends, you won’t be left without clients when the winds shift. Construction industry data can help you do that. If you specialize in commercial construction and notice a dropoff in the number of building permits granted for small commercial buildings, but an increase in permits for larger facilities, you might want to change your focus in the future. If you’re a building materials supplier and notice more homes being built with outdoor living spaces, it might be worth adding more decking material to your product line.
Polish Your Public Relations
Good PR gets your company’s name known in the community, and builds your credibility and positive reputation. Knowing the current market trends can help you understand what matters most to your ideal clients so you’ll know where to focus your PR efforts. If eco-friendly building materials, solar panels, and green roofs are trending, it makes sense to target your PR efforts towards environmental causes.