Construction Monitor increases the efficiency for thousands of companies across dozens of vertical markets nationwide. Yes, we generate information. But, wait…there’s more.
The information is sorted for you into information-specific data analytics you need right now. The newer information targets locations you’re interested in developing. Historical construction data can shape your strategy for future business development.
If you think the benefits gained from construction data is limited to land developers, builders, architects, and construction contractors, you’d be half right. The building industry actually encompasses many types of businesses and organizations that reap benefits from construction data.
Here’s a success-story example:
A new home construction company needs…
1. Swimming pool architect and/or subcontractor for pool construction
To construct swimming pool, the needs are…
2. Concrete and quarry stone
3. Fence/patio materials
The swimming pool homeowner needs…
4. Landscaper/lawn professionals
5. Lawn and garden supplies
6. Patio furniture
7. Pool supplies/chemicals
…A guy that studies building permit reports and construction data has a small pool maintenance company. He studies local building permit reports. He has two vans and six employees.
He knows exactly how many new homes in a particular housing division in a cross-town suburban area are going to need pool maintenance. He develops his marketing plan accordingly.
Two years later, this small pool-maintenance business is a household name. It has a fleet of vans and can now offer employees healthcare and retirement options. The pool-maintenance business owner continues to regularly study building permit construction data.
How 3 ‘Non-Construction’ Businesses Use Local Construction Data for a Very-Real Competitive Edge
- A carpet cleaner studies business permit reports and solicits homes under renovation. She emphasizes her onsite carpet and furniture cleaning service to “give your furniture a look as new as your home!”
- An insurance professional reads current building permit construction data reports and sends a “Welcome Home!” gift to the new homeowners.
- An online business developer is looking for a location where there will be a large, youthful employee base. Homes built in 2004 have…teenagers. (Teens are often tech-savvy and work cheap.) Historical construction data quickly narrows the location search.
Construction Monitor Has Marketing Tools to Build Local Business
This year has been unusual, to say the least. Unusual times call for creativity. If you’d like to learn more about why Construction Monitor is the local marketing resource you need, call 800-925-6085 or contact us today.
It’s interesting that an insurance professional can read the building permit construction for data reports. I need to have a surveyor make a permit for the building we’re starting near the mall soon. Looks like I should have the permits ready before we get it inspected.