What’s fun, healthy, and makes at-home quarantining beyond bearable? A swimming pool! This summer, more than ever before, homeowners are considering residential swimming pool installation.
The swimming pool business goes far beyond digging a hole in someone’s backyard. It is pool supplies, pool maintenance, outdoor furniture, landscaping…and more.
Two months ago, we weren’t sure we’d be in business for our sixtieth year…we’re having a great business season! –Chris, Kennedy Country Gardens
Companies will sink or swim this year. Using permit data for business development can keep your business afloat.
Swimming Pool Businesses Will Make a Big Splash Using Permit Data
Pool businesses say they’re flooded with calls from people who want to put a swimming pool in their backyard this summer. –CBSBoston
At this point, it doesn’t matter where you live in the U.S. Staying safe means staying home and a great way to keep your loved ones home is a swimming pool. Using permit data puts your company in a good position. Here’s how:
A builder/contractor must have a building permit to begin construction of a swimming pool. If you’re a swimming pool maintenance company or a landscaper, it’s easy. Pull last month’s building permit applications.
If you’re a contractor or subcontractor, you need to know about new developments and residential communities in-the-works. Research the top contractors in your area and seek alignment with them. You can do that using permit data.
To get started using permit data from building permit reports:
- Select an area (state)
- Let’s go to Kansas. Select an in-state area.
- We selected Leavenworth.
- Jurisdictions include Douglas County, Gardner, Kansas City, Lawrence, Leavenworth, Olathe, Overland Park, Prairie Village, Shawnee, Shawnee County, Topeka, Wichita
- To explore building permit data for that area, sign-up for a free trial. You’ll have one week to explore:
- Mailing Labels – Direct mail continues to be a valuable advertising strategy.
- PowerSearch – Create/run in-depth, customized searches.
- Real-Time Leads – Using building permit data by-the-week, you’ll know project start dates before they break ground.
- Statistics – Other project details may influence your developments.
- Top/New Company Reports – What are the large companies working on? Who’s a newcomer with innovative ideas?
Call 800-925-6085 or contact Construction Monitor today. Using permit data is just good business.