How Far in Advance Should You Plan an Editorial Calendar?

editorial calendar planningAn editorial calendar can help you create more client-converting content with less effort, but it’s only helpful if you plan far enough in advance. Get your schedule right and you’ll have time to create truly valuable content about even the most complex construction issues.

Match Your Planning to Your Schedule

The farther ahead you plan your online content, the more time you’ll have to find topics that truly interest your target audience, gather information, and organize your thoughts in a way that will hold your readers’ interest while leading them towards contacting you. All this means content that attracts and converts prospects more effectively.

That said, exactly how much advance planning makes sense for you depends in part on your blogging schedule. If you publish every day, you might only be able to plan one to three months ahead. If you publish just once or twice a week, though, planning three months to a full year ahead is more reasonable.

Move Forward Gradually

If you try to plan every month down to the last detail, it’s easy to get too overwhelmed to think about anything that’s more than a month ahead. By filling in your calendar gradually, you’ll be able to plan farther ahead with less stress.

Start your editorial calendar by filling in the big upcoming events. If you want to write a post about the open house you’re going to next month and the trade show you’ll be attending in three months, put those on your editorial calendar. If you’re planning any in-depth pillar posts, put those on the calendar next.

Then, starting from the upcoming week, pencil in ideas for the topics you regularly write on, such as your restaurant construction Mondays or sustainable building Wednesdays. With this method, you’ll always have the next month or two planned in detail, but still enjoy a bird’s eye view of what you need to be thinking about for the future.


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