“Construction-specific tools are taking over,” says construction content writer Anastasios Koutsogiannis. And he’s talking about data analytics, digital solutions, and software. Construction industry trends for better project management will be taking us cloud-high this year.
One Project, One Data Source
Project managers say they spend 40% of their time in meetings, on phone calls, or writing after-the-fact reports. A single data source consolidates everything and reduces your miscommunication margin of error substantially.
If you think in spreadsheet-speak, think of a centralized data source as one spreadsheet with lots of tabs. Centralized project communications – all the project information from every source – will save time and money like never before.
Integrated planning will gather all the sources of data – your team’s different project management software outputs – and pull them into one, manageable place. It’s not easy at first, but it’s absolutely key to better project management.
Safety, Quality Focus
The new administration asked OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) “to determine whether to establish an emergency temporary standard to keep workers safe from COVID-19.” President Biden is also requesting OSHA to target and penalize worksites that do not adhere to safety protocols in 2021.
In 2020, the Labor Department/OSHA issued $3,930,381 in coronavirus violations; failure to comply:
- General Duty Clause of the OSHA Act of 1970
- Implement a written respiratory protection program
- Provide medical evaluation, respirator fit test, training on the proper use of a respirator, and personal protective equipment
- Record an injury/illness on OSHA recordkeeping forms
- Report injury, illness, or fatality
Look for ways to link the quality of work and safety directly to phase one project planning. It minimizes waste, delays, and improves overall quality.
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