How to Use a Q&A Podcast to Connect With Potential Clients

Constrpodcastuction is a complex, often bewildering field and your would-be clients are out there right now looking for answers to their questions. Running a Q&A podcast helps you attract those potential clients and position yourself as an expert they can trust to bring their projects to life.

Choose Questions that Matter

For your Q&A podcast to make a real connection, you’ll need to focus on the questions your ideal clients want answers to most. Choose a theme, but keep it broad so you don’t limit your audience unnecessarily. If you want more hotel construction clients, go with “hotel construction” as your theme rather than “renovating boutique hotels.”

When you start out, answer questions you’ve received through email, blog comments, social media or in person. Researching trending topics can give you more ideas.

In your answers, aim to provide genuinely useful information, but also let your audience know exactly how your services can help solve their problems. For social proof, occasionally invite a client onto your show and ask them about their experience working with your company.

Have fun and let your personality shine. Giving your listeners a chance to hear your voice and get to know you as a person is a big part of what makes a podcast effective.

Turn Your Listeners into Leads

Include calls to action (CTAs) at the beginning of each episode, a little before the half-way point, and at the end. Instead of trying to get your listeners to call and schedule a meeting, offer additional valuable content relevant to their interests.

To make it easy for listeners to give you their contact details and get the lead magnet content you’re offering, use a service that lets them sign up by SMS. These services provide a short phone number where your listeners can send a one-word text, such as “build.” The word triggers a text message from you with a link to a webpage where they can sign up by email and get their free content.

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