There are a lot of ways to get a feel for your prospects’ interests, but few are as accurate as reviewing building permit data. When you have detailed information on the projects going on within your target market, you can create marketing that’s truly in tune with your prospects’ needs.
Understand Your Prospects’ Goals
While talking with your prospects and suppliers can give you a general idea of what interests your target market, building permits show you exactly how they’re spending their money. You’ll find out what types of projects are most popular and how much more popular certain projects are than others.
If you sell countertops and find your area has a similar amount of kitchen and bathroom remodels in the works, you’ll know to create marketing that’s relevant to both. If bathroom remodels are coming in a distant second, though, you might decide to focus your marketing on the advantages your countertops have in the kitchen, such as their ability to resist food stains and heat damage.
Get a Feel for Their Budget
Building permit data lets you see how much your target prospects are spending on their projects. That information can guide you on which products and services to promote as well as how to position your company. If you’re a general contractor specializing in single-family homes and the data says your area’s home builders have high budgets, you might grab their attention by promoting the luxury features your company can build.
On the other hand, if budgets tend to be modest, you’ll probably have better luck with marketing that focuses on the cost-effectiveness and durability of the homes you build.
If you sell swimming pools, fireplaces or other features best suited to upscale homes, building permit data can help you find high-end building hot spots. This lets you target your marketing toward those affluent neighborhoods where a large number of homeowners are making upgrades.
To learn more about using building permit data to perfect your marketing, contact us at Construction Monitor.
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