Personal protective equipment (PPE) is nothing new. The acronym was probably coined around the 1880s when protective eyewear was patented. Actually, PPEs have been around for centuries; we have always protected our hands with glove-like coverings when necessary.
Mask-wearing has become politicized, but businesses – including construction industry-related businesses – don’t have the luxury of choice. We are duty-bound to protect our workplaces, employees, and customers.
We’re already looking at 1Q 2021 and wondering if it’s going to be more of the same. At least IoT (Internet of Things) technology is going to give us construction technology to track PPEs. In any instance where diligence is a good idea, being able to prove due diligence can save your business.
Construction Technology: Contact Tracing Tools
One of the new tasks surrounding the pandemic is contact tracing. You’ll issue and/or post jobsite guidance for distancing. And if a case of COVID-19 is suspected to be jobsite-related, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) have guidelines for reporting, tracking, and monitoring infected individuals.
We recommend you read Guidelines for the Implementation and Use of Digital Tools to get an idea of what may be required at your end.
Construction Technology Software
IoT technology has been utilized for the better part of a decade and is proving to help improve safety, lower risk, and give management and workers the peace of mind needed…
Supervisors will have a greater responsibility to maintain the accountability of employees. There are software apps that can give you a real-time “picture” of every employee’s location on a jobsite. You can view bottlenecks and problem areas and address issues immediately.
Proximity Trace™* alerts workers if they get too close to each other. Information is stored, so if there is a COVID-19 incident, employees don’t have to use their memories to reconstruct where they were and with whom they interacted on any given day.
Construction Monitor for Real-Time Data Analytics
If you receive weekly reports from Construction Monitor, you’re already utilizing a powerful construction technology tool. Have you heard the phrase, “Use it or lose it?” That’s exactly what happens to business development if you don’t use the information we provide.
Call 800.925.6085 (International/435.586.1205) or contact us today. We want to know where you want to build.
*Construction Monitor does not endorse nor recommend any software brand for use in construction technology applications.