The total employment of women in construction is very low, 10.3% in 2020. And most of those jobs are front-office, not front-lines.
Of all the women employed in construction, 45% of them are in office or administrative roles. An average jobsite has one woman on-the-job for every 100 men. But 44% of the 100 top construction companies’ executives are women; that’s a good percentage.
Help Wanted: Women in Construction
Here’s to strong women.
May we know them. May we be them.
May we raise them. -Michelle Obama
Obstacles women face on the jobsite include:
- Discrimination
- Exclusion
- Fewer management role models (other women) available
- Fewer opportunities for advancement
- Gender pay gaps
- Greater risk for injury from poor-fitting safety equipment
The construction boom we’re anticipating will hit hard in 2022 with about two million new jobs predicted. We’ll face a shortage of skills like never before.
Smart companies will begin the push-to-hire now, if at all economically possible. And studies show that more diversity – women in construction – improves a company’s profitability by 25%.
Recruiting women is possible if you emphasize training programs and support mentorship. You might consider designing a construction boot camp for girls this summer.
Some of the organizations for women in construction include:
- GWIC – Groundbreaking Women in Construction
- HHW – Hard Hatted Women
- NAWIC – National Women in Construction
- Pride and a Paycheck
- Tradeswomen Taskforce
- WCOE – Women Construction Owners & Executives USA
- Wild Abundance
And many states have their own organizations for women in construction. Check the web to learn more.
Women in Construction Week March 7-13, 2021
Now Through Feb. 12, 2021, you can nominate yourself or a co-worker for Construction Dive’s recognition of top female leaders in construction. Categories include:
- Industry veteran – More than 25 years in the construction industry
- Mentor
- Other
- Rising star – Under the age of 30
- Tradeswoman leader
- Up-and-coming leader – Over the age of 30
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