Analyzing Website Metrics Can Give You an Advantage

analyzing website metricsWith all the work you put into creating and promoting your website content, it only makes sense to keep tabs on how effective that content is. By analyzing your website metrics, you’ll learn exactly how well your site is connecting with your ideal construction prospects.

Why Website Metrics Matter

Your website analytics tell you how your audience is reacting to the content you give them so you can see whether or not you’re on track toward bringing in more clients. If you thought your target audience of real estate investors wanted to read about multi-family housing, but your analytics data show they’re more interested in your articles on commercial office buildings, you can adjust your content strategy accordingly.

Analytics help guide your promotion efforts, too. Maybe you think your hours of interacting on Facebook should be paying off, but the data tell you most of your prospects are coming from Instagram. With that information, you’ll know to shift your efforts.

Metrics to Watch

Focusing on the most informative website metrics helps you optimize your research time.

  • Traffic – This is the raw number of visitors to your site. Watching this number tells you how fast your audience is growing. It helps you spot spikes and dips caused by changes in your content or promotion strategy.
  • Traffic sources – Data on where your visitors are coming from show you how effectively your chosen promotion methods are working.
  • Top pages – Stats on which of your pages get the most visitors tell you what your readers are coming to your site for. If your blog post offering eco-friendly home renovation tips is popular, it’s worth expanding on that topic with more in-depth posts.
  • Conversion rate – This is the percentage of people who took a specific action on a page, such as signing up for your mailing list, downloading a free guide or filling out a contact form. It shows you how effective each page is at bringing you leads.


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