Standard fiberglass and cellulose insulation have long been staples of the construction industry, but newer types of insulation materials for construction projects are becoming more popular because of their energy efficiency and sustainability.

Bio-based insulation materials for construction are made from plant waste, such as the stalks, stems, and other portions of wheat plants. They use what might otherwise be considered waste material from these plants, making comprehensive use of available materials. This means that the effort and energy invested in growing and harvesting these plants for food purposes also contributes to their use as insulation.
Bio-based insulation can also be made of clay or other plant-based materials such as grasses, straw, or hemp. These types of insulators can be as much as 20 percent more effective than the types of insulation traditionally used in the construction industry.
Other aspects of using bio-based insulation materials could also dramatically reduce what the article described as the “total embodied energy” that it takes to acquire, process, and transport standard types of insulation material. These savings can be found throughout the entire lifecycle of the building and can be reduced by up to 50 percent. These energy savings can be accounted for in the reduction of energy and CO2 emissions that occur when manufacturing bio-based insulation.
Though bio-based insulation is currently a more costly option than traditional insulation, industry experts expect the costs to decrease as more builders, owners, and investors become aware of the long-term benefits and potential cost savings provided these products.
Energy-saving initiatives from local, state, and federal sources are also expected to affect the cost of bio-based insulation and help reduce costs in the future. Energy conservation programs could become a source of financial initiatives to switch to more energy-efficient and ecologically sustainable insulation.
When changes and technological advances occur in the construction industry, our team will keep you informed. Contact us at Construction Monitor today for more information on bio-based insulation materials for construction and how they can be used to improve the energy efficiency and sustainability of your construction projects.
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