When the project is completed, it’s time to review the processes that worked and those that didn’t. The purpose of that evaluation is not to merely identify “lessons learned,” but to use those lessons to modify and update processes for the future. This post-project activity can separate the wannabes from companies known for industry-best construction operations. Your construction company brand and a professional, detail-oriented reputation can give you a competitive advantage.
Companies with superior construction operations:
Communicate With Customers
Frequent communication makes clients feel informed and part of the process. It is a proactive way to manage customer relationships to create long-term loyalties. Project changes should not be a surprise. Issues and obstacles should be shared with the clients and they should feel welcome to problem-solve and understand the impact of potential solutions.
Don’t Undermine Others
Be part of the team, not an overseer/manager. When faced with problems, avoid blaming architects, engineers, or others outside the company. It doesn’t make you look better and jeopardizes professional collaborations now and in the future.
Quickly Follow-Up Meetings With Minutes
Meetings should end with what needs to be done, when, and by whom. It’s important to document every meeting with partners, clients, and vendors. The recap should summarize problem resolution or a list of action items.
The Importance of Post-Project Review
The project review should be on the timeline. If you add the post-project review to the schedule at the beginning of the project, it makes it less likely to be forgotten while you wait for that one last sign-off.
“While this might seem obvious, many companies can’t officially close the books on a project for years after it is completed due to bond release or even the simple collection of final payment,” says productivity and project professional Gregg M. Schoppman of FMI Corporation. “The main goal here is to capture best practices and areas for improvement while they are still relevant and fresh.”
Construction Operations Include Business Development
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